
Our Food Matters, Our Thoughts Matter…

Changing Both Can Change your Life. 

I am a certified health coach and energy practitioner who assists those who need a helping hand to break the cycle of struggle and negative patterns and to find their way to a healthier, happier, fuller life.

My Story

Two to three months before I was married, I started having blind spots in my vision.  My eye doctor suggested I see a neurologist who then diagnosed me with MS.  I was 22 years old.  I had never heard of MS before and didn’t know what it was.  I do remember my doctor saying that I had the relapsing remitting kind, not the progressive one and that some patients did better than others. Further, he didn’t have an explanation as to why some did better, they just did.  

Amid the confusion and worry, I remember thinking “well, I will be one of the ones that does better.”  Not sure why I had that thought, but I did.

The first 9 years after learning I had MS I was okay. I took Betaseron, exercised regularly and ate what I thought was pretty good.  I believed I just might have it under control.  Then in 2002 I went through a lot of change. My first child was born, I quit my corporate job, moved from Los Angeles to Orange County and took over the accounting and financial responsibility for our small company while working from home. 6 months later I had a major relapse and I wasn’t walking.

I didn’t have it under control.

Doctors blamed it on the extreme heat of summer in July and the fact that I had stopped MS meds while pregnant and had not started taking them. I went back on the meds and eventually gained my mobility back over the next couple months. Later I would find other reasons for these symptoms.

I continued on like this for the next 8 – 9 years and had 2 more kids.  My life was overbooked between being a mom, working from home, church service, constant exercise and all the things I THOUGHT I needed to do for a healthy life. Nowhere did I have room for true self care and love.

Fast forward to summer of 2011. On a flight back from Costa Rica with my family (youngest was 2 ½), I had a seizure on the plane. 

Many tests were run. All tests were inconclusive. Doctors put me on seizure meds and called it a day.  But I continued to have seizures regardless every 4 – 5 months for the next few years.

Since doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong, I started my own research. I wouldn’t accept this was the rest of my life because doctors didn’t find the answers I needed. I  started my own research out of my need and hope of a better quality of life. I was curious, researched and read what I could. My search lead  me to dietary changes along the way that made the most sense to me given my situation. It taught me our bodies are amazing  and actually want to heal (and are created to heal). They need the right environment to succeed. I wanted to provide that kind of environment for my body.

The next few years were a continual struggle as I tried to regain my health.  I always turned to prayer for answers and know that my research was guided by them.  Over time, I found many answers.

Today, I am symptom free from MS and seizures!  I haven’t taken meds for MS in years and working my way off the seizure meds.

So how did this change happen?

This change happened due to my dietary and lifestyle changes. I continue to have a full life with children, work, service and friends. The first step in the process was I believed in myself and that I could heal.

OUR FOOD MATTERS AND OUR THOUGHTS MATTER. Changing both can change your life. Today I am a certified health coach assisting those who need a helping hand to find their way to a healthier, happier, fuller life.

In the Media…

Karyl was featured in the Make it Sacred  Podcast by Courtney Barr.

Each episode discusses different topics pertaining to self discovery, self awareness, self acceptance, and self love.

Karyl's Story

by Courtney Barr | Make it Sacred

Contact Karyl

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